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Cottenham Park Rental Report

What are the rental prices in Cottenham Park like today?

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£1,350 per week

Average rental value today

£623 - £2,077 pw

Rental price range

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Source: Property rental values are updated daily based on current rental properties listed with Foxtons. Tenant fees may apply

Average rental prices in Cottenham Park, by number of bedrooms

£2,077 per week
£1,869 per week
£1,454 per week
£1,038 per week
£623 per week
3 bedroom properties from £623.08 to £623.08per week
4 bedroom properties from £2,076.92 to £2,076.92per week
Average rental price by number of bedrooms

Rental price ranges in Cottenham Park, by number of bedrooms

4 beds 4 bedroom properties from £2,076.92 to £2,076.92 per week
3 beds 3 bedroom properties from £623.08 to £623.08 per week
£623pw £914pw £1,205pw £1,495pw £1,786pw
Property prices by number of bedrooms

Rental properties in Cottenham Park

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